Accessing CLEPS

  • Can I access CLEPS from outside Inria’s network? Yes, you can use Inria’s

    VPN or configure your account to use Inria’s bastion (for details, visit this webpage (accessible only from intranet).

  • Can I mount CLEPS directories locally to avoid scp?

    You can use the sshfs tool handle your files on CLEPS. It mounts a directory on your local machine and allows you to manipulate your distant files transparently. For example, if you want to mount your scratch folder:

    $ mkdir tmp
    $ sshfs <login>@cleps.paris.inria.fr:/scratch/<login>

    Another way may be to use file explorers compatible with ssh protocol:


  • I need a specific library for my experiments. Can you installed it in CLEPS?

    Yes, if the requirements are already installed. Please submit an issue.

  • Can I run Jupyter notebooks in CLEPS?

    Yes, please refer to Using Jupyter notebooks.


  • I’m running out of space, I reached the limit of my quota. What should I do?

    If you detect that you are reaching the limit of your quota, start by cleaning some file in the cache. For example, use command like pip cache purge or conda clean --all. If the problem persists, please contact the administrators.

Reserve nodes

  • Can select the GPU node(s) where I want to run my jobs?

    The Slurm option --partition allow you to select a specific partition from the cluster (cpu or gpu). By combining whit the option --gres you can target a particular node with specific features. For example, the GPU nodes have different kind of GPU (V100 and RTX6000 by november 2020). To target a node with the RTX6000 GPU, use the option -gres=gpu:rtx6000.

  • How can I reserve a single GPU in a GPU node?

    To reserve a single GPU use the option --gres with the colon syntax and the number of GPU you need. For example, to reserve 1 GPU in a node GPU V100, add the option -gres=gpu:v100:1.


  • I found a bug in the examples or in this documentation, can I fix it?

    Yes, please post the issue on the gitlab repository . You can contribute to the project by submitting a new merge request. This is a great way to improve this documentation and to discuss about potential improvements ;).


  • I used CLEPS for the experiments in my project. Should I cite it in my paper?

    It’s not an obligation, but we will be grateful if you do it. Also, it is a nice approach if you want to facilitate the reproducibility of your results. You can use a phrase like this in the acknowledgments: “The authors are grateful to the CLEPS infrastructure from the Inria of Paris for providing resources and support.”